Stamford Learning Accelerator Team Builds National Database Using Visual Analytics Tools

Stamford Learning Accelerator Team
Pictured from left to right: Jennifer Chiarella, JD/MBA ’14; Angela Balduyck, MBA ’14; Tugba Onder, MBA ’14; Aswathy Mohandas, MSBAPM ’14

Working at the Stamford Learning Accelerator with faculty mentor Brian Brady, a team of MBA, JD/MBA, and MSBAPM students built an executive contact database of 3000 One Stops, their affiliates and local offices across the United States. The database connects each One Stop Center to its corresponding State Workforce Investment Board which provides vital grant funding to these centers and is a potential source of revenue for Access Technologies Group, a Connecticut company whose flagship simulation software product is Simentor.® This simulation software is designed to help individuals who face challenges such as learning disabilities, computer literacy, or explaining a criminal record, enabling them to overcome these challenges and increase their employment opportunities.