Marketing experts from around the globe speak to faculty, Ph.D. students, and visitors regarding advancements in the world of marketing. Thanks to the generous support of the Voya Financial Fund, the Marketing Department invites four presenters from across methodological domains with expertise in a particular topic. The event spans over two days and provides an intimate forum for presentations, interactions, and discussions.
“Marketing is perhaps one of the most dynamic of disciplines,’’ said UConn professor Debanjan Mitra, who is the Voya Financial Fellow. “The Voya Colloquium enables our faculty and graduate students to keep abreast of such rapid changes by bringing together thought leaders, listening to their path-breaking research, and interacting with them over two days. The reputation of the Voya Colloquium has grown beyond UConn. In fact, researchers from several universities in the region request attendance to the colloquium.’’

The 12th annual Voya Financial Colloquium took place on October 25, 2024 featuring four prominent scholars who discussed “Social Responsibility and Impact in Business.’’
Martin Mende, J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation Professor in Services Leadership; Professor of Marketing; W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, "Marketing Research at the Intersection of a Sustainable Future and Financial Inclusion."
Gergana Nenkov, Associate Professor of Marketing; Carroll School of Management; Affiliate Faculty, Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society; Boston College, "Managing Consumption Waste: Shifting From ‘Recycle’ to ‘Reduce and Reuse'."
Anita Rao, Beyer Family Associate Professor of Marketing; McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, "Animal Welfare Labels and Consumer Demand."
Michael Posner, Jerome Kohlberg Professor of Ethics and Finance Professor of Business and Society; Director, Center for Business and Human Rights; Stern School of Business, New York University, "Making Human Rights a Business Priority: Adopting the Right Mix of Corporate Action and Government Regulation."

The 11th annual Voya Financial Colloquium took place on October 13, 2023 featuring four prominent scholars who discussed “Consumer Financial Decision Making.’’
John Lynch, Jr., Distinguished Professor, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado-Boulder, “Financial Knowledge, Financial Behavior, and Financial Well-Being.”
Rafael Becerril Arreola, Business Partnership Foundation Dean’s Fellow, Associate Professor of Marketing, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, “Quantifying the Effects of Within-Population Product Price Rankings on Consumer Choice: Implications for Wealth-Signaling.”
Rebecca Hamilton, Michael G. and Robin Psaros Chair in Business Administration, Vice Dean of Faculty, Professor of Marketing, Georgetown University, “Family Responses to Resource Scarcity.”
Robert Lawless, Max L. Rowe Professor of Law, Co-Director, Illinois Program on Law, Behavior and Social Science, Illinois College of Law, “Debt’s Grip.”
Artificial Intelligence and Customer Privacy in Digital Markets (2022-2023)

The 10th annual Voya Financial Colloquium took place on October 7, 2022 featuring four prominent scholars who discussed “Artificial Intelligence and Customer Privacy in Digital Markets.’’
Kelly Martin, Professor, College of Business, Colorado State University, “Customer Privacy as Competitive Advantage: Implications for Marketing Strategy and Public Policy.”
Anindya Ghose, Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, “Empowering Patients Using Smart Mobile Health Platforms: Evidence from A Randomized Field Experiment.”
Luca Cian, Associate Professor, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, “Algorithmic Transference: People Overgeneralize Failures of AI in the Government.”
Janine Hiller, Professor, Foster Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech, “AI Legal Trends and Intelligent Consumer Marketing.”
Innovation and Technology in Marketing (2019-2020)

Steven Shugan, Professor of Marketing, McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar Chair, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida: “Healthcare Profits and Innovation: Nonprofit vs. For-Profit Competition.”
Shiri Melumad, Assistant Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania: “The Distinct Psychology of Smartphone Usage.’’
Donna Hoffman, Professor of Marketing and the Louis Rosenfeld Distinguished Scholar, Co-Directors of the Center for the Connected Consumer, George Washington University: “Reifying the Possibility Space of IoT Automation Practices: A Machine Learning Approach.’’
Thomas Novak, Professor of Marketing and the Denit Trust Distinguished Scholar, Co-Directors of the Center for the Connected Consumer, George Washington University: “Reifying the Possibility Space of IoT Automation Practices: A Machine Learning Approach.’’
Markus Giesler, Associate Professor of Marketing; Director, Big Design Lab; Schulich School of Business, York University: "How Empathy Legitimizes Platform Markets: Insights from the Uber Ride-Hailing Market."
Page Moreau, Professor and John R. Nevin Chair in Marketing; Faculty Director, Center for Brand and Product Management; Wisconsin School of Business, University of Wisconsin; "Self-Expression in Creative Endeavors: The Surprising Benefits of a Small Toolbox."
Elie Ofek, T.J. Dermot Dunphy Professor of Business Administration; Harvard Business School; "Ratings, Reviews, and the Marketing of New Products."
Yakov Bart, Assistant Professor and Joseph G. Riesman Research Professor, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University; "Online Advertising Effectiveness across Media Channels and Countries."
Shijie Lu, Assistant Professor, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina; "Dynamic Effect of Digital Badging on User-generated Content Platforms."
Xueming Luo, Professor and Charles Gilliland Distinguished Chair, Fox School of Business, Temple University; "Targeting and Retargeting Experimentation and Machine Learning: Mobile Big Data Analytics."
Ying Xie, Associate Professor, Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas; "A Structural Model of Network Dynamics: Tie Formation, Product Adoption, and Content Generation."
Jennifer Escalas, Associate Professor, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University; “What Happens in Vegas Stays on TripAdvisor? Automatic Assessment of Narrativity in Big Data and Consumer Responses.”
Mark Forehand, Professor, Foster School of Business, University of Washington; “Identity Evolution: A Proscriptive Model for Future Research.”
Remi Trudel, Assistant Professor, Questrom School of Business, Boston University: “The Recycled Self: Consumers’ Disposal Decisions of Identity-Linked Products.”
Karen Winterich, Associate Professor, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University; “A Constellation of Many Identities: How Self-Complexity Affects Responses to Identity-Based Targeting.”
CB Bhattacharya, Professor of Marketing, European School of Management Technology; “Awakening the Green Self: Stakeholder Reactions to Sustainability.”
Stefanie Robinson, Assistant Professor of Marketing, NC State Poole, College of Management; “Doing Good from the Start? Corporate Social Responsibility May Hurt New Brands.”
Sankar Sen, Professor of Marketing, Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business; “Consumer Reactions to CSR Contribution Type.”
Bonnie Simpson, Assistant Professor of Marketing, DAN Management and Organizational Studies, Western University; “Designing Effective Appeals to Encourage Prosocial Consumer Behaviors.”
David Bell, Xinmei Zhang and Yongge Dai Professor, Professor of Marketing, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania; “Inventory Showrooms and Customer Migration in Omni-channel Retail: The Effect of Product Information.”
S. Adam Brasel, Associate Professor of Marketing, Carroll School of Management, Boston College; “Marketing Interfaces: How Touchscreens Alter Consumer Search, Choice, and Evaluation.”
Sam Ransbotham, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Carroll School of Management, Boston College; “The Tradeoff of Reach and Response in Mobile Advertising.”
Andrew Stephen, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh; “The Effects Of Content Characteristics On Consumer Engagement With Branded Social Media Content On Facebook.”
Nicholas Lurie, Associate Professor, Marketing, ING Global Professor, School of Business, University of Connecticut; “Going Mobile: Characteristics and Perceived Value of Mobile Word of Mouth.”
Wendy Moe, Associate Professor, Marketing, Director of MS in Marketing Analytics, R. H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland; “Social Media Intelligence: Behaviors, Biases and Brand Tracking.”
Sarah Moore, Assistant Professor, Marketing, Business Economics, and Law, Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta; “Material Words: Explaining Language in Word of Mouth.”
Olivier Toubia, Glaubinger Professor of Business, Marketing, Columbia Business School, Columbia University; “Improving Penetration Forecasts Using Social Interactions Data.”
Rajeev Batra, S S Kresge Professor of Marketing, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan; “Global Branding Perspectives: ‘Positioning Multi-Country Brands: The Impact of Heterogeneity in Cultural Values and Competitive Set” and “Why CSR Creates Favorable Brand Attitudes: A Multi-Country Study of Individual, Category, and Societal Moderators.”
Susan Fournier, Professor of Marketing, Dean’s Research Fellow, Boston University; “Understanding Brand Relationship Development though a Contracting Lens.”
Hope Jensen Schau, Associate Professor of Marketing, Gary M. Munsinger Chair in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona; “Consumer Reactions to Brand Discontinuation: Coping with the Loss of Evolving Brand Narratives.”
Carlos Torelli, Assistant Professor, Carlson Marketing and Logistics Management, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota; “Does Power Distance Belief Influence Consumers’ Preference for Premium (vs. Generic) Brands?: The Moderating Effects of Consumers' Social Standing and Product Ty.”
From Bricks to Clicks: Empirical Modeling Perspectives (2011-2012)
P.K. Kannan, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland; “The Long and Winding Road: Modeling the Conversion Path of Online Customers.”
Puneet Manchanda, Isadore and Leon Winkelman Professor of Marketing, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan; “Social Dollars: The Economic Impact of Customer Participation in a Firm-Sponsored Online Community.”
Joseph Pancras, Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Business, University of Connecticut; “Empirical Investigation of Retail Expansion and Cannibalization in a Dynamic Environment.”
Vithala Rao, Deane W. Malott Professor of Management, Professor of Marketing, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University; “A General Customer Preference Model for Experience Products: Application to Internet Recommendation Services.”